Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Catch you later

I spent a good eight hours by the pond today! A day that start brimming with promise and optimism, ended in a tree, by a river, next to an empty net.

Fishing is one of those curious pastimes that has the magnetism to make you stay so long in one place, without barely anything happening. There is absolutely no way I would spend eight hours just staring at water if I didn't have a rod.

It was uneventful to say the least. In fact, the most exciting thing of the day was watching a robin, playing tamely next to me, I could have practically fed it with my hand. It spent most of the day hanging around, picking up titbits of bait that didn't make it into the water, his friend popped by too. No doubt when I go out hunting birds tomorrow the fish will just jump out of the water straight into my net. I will confess to a passing thought of hooking the robin, and using it as bait. Well, they say you have to try anything to get a fish!

So in the end, I caught just one little fish, not much bigger than my hand. It wasn't quite the return I was hoping for, but still not a total wipeout. I shall study some fishing tuition websites and make my return to the pond within the next few days.................Watch this space.

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