From the feedback from family and friends it seems our little cat Luke Skywalker has got quite a fanclub, here's a little update.
Luke could have a blog of his own, every day is eventful for him.
There are four cats in total on site. Mutthead, it seems, is the boss, he is totally fearless, I've caught him our van on a few occasions just casually eating our Luke's food without a care for any humans. He has had numerous scraps with Luke, however he is too big and old to even get close to Luke in a chase and hides and springs out on Luke catching him unawares, a few whacks with the paw before Luke runs off.
Its all about territories it seems, every cat has their own 'space' and other cats can't go there or else there is trouble, then they have neutral spaces where they can hang out peacefully.
There is a tabby cat Tabby Vader, it appears that he is also from the dark side and has probably had Mutthead as a big influence on his life. He is equally violent, but seems to have struck some sort of deal with Luke following an incident outside our van last week.
Luke and Tabby V were head to head making the most unnatural squeel quite similar to a babies cry but more demonic and scary. It went on for about ten minutes, some form of bizzarre cat communication, it ended with a few whacks, but it seems, that in his own territory Luke has won the battle.
Then the last cat is pure Ginger a sort of a rusty Anakin Skywalker, he seems to be of a similar age and until Luke arrived was more than likely the regular victim of Mutthead and Tabby Vader. Now that Luke is the new kit on the block his status has been elevated and he takes great delight in annoying Luke. I think they'll end up friends.
He has brought home two mice, one dead and with its head removed, the other which Luke kindly kept alive for an hour so he could chase it around the awning before death. Luke is very proud of himself, I on the other hand am ashamed. I am scared of mice and cannot deal with them. Dead or alive!
We see him at all parts of the site, he really has stretched his legs and has settled in well. He holds his own with the other cats, he's found a tree to scratch and a wall to stretch himself out on a sunny day. He is currently asleep inside the van.
Sweet dreams Lukey
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