Since we moved things around a bit in the awning, I've got really back into cooking.
So, I'm going to start leaving a few recipes on here that i'm cooking up, give them a try in your own kitchen, but these are tasted best in an awning or caravan, good quick food.
GamGam PilPil
This is my version of a very common recipe, it often goes by the name Gamberoni, or Gambas Pil.
It goes like this.
About 3rd of a cup of olive oil, small knob of butter, 2 cloves of garlic, one medium sized red chilli, paprika and of course prawns, normal prawns or King prawns will suffice, I prefer the smaller prawns, less fleshy.
So, heat the oil up and add the butter, season it then add the garlic, chilli, and a healthy sprinkle of Paprika. Give it about five minutes for the flavours infuse then pop the old prawns in. Turn heat onto full and then keep the whole thing moving around the pan for around another five minutes.
It will seem quite oily, but with it being Olive Oil, that's OK.
Get yourself some nice crusty bread, or a French stick, serve contents in a bowl.
Use the oil as a nice dip and eat the prawns, beautiful!
There's quite a few variants on this recipe, try finely chopping some spring onions and giving a good slosh of Soy Sauce to give it more of a Thai flavour.
Simple Creamy Garlic Mushrooms
This is a legendary dish, again with many variations. With us having a limited kitchen, simplicity is best.
Mushrooms, 2 cloves of garlic (less or more to taste) mixed herbs (just oregano will do)Olive Oil and some cream.
Roughly chop your mushrooms and garlic and place in oven dish, pour over some Olive Oil, not too much but a good drizzle, sprinkle on the herbs, (about 3/4 of a teaspoon) and pop in the oven on a medium heat. Give it about 15 minutes, remove from oven, spoon two nice tablespoons of cream in, mix it about and Bob's your uncle, there you have it, Creamy Garlic Mushrooms.
OK, not everyone has an oven when they are camping, but slow cooking on a gas burner will achieve similar results.
Serve the above two dishes with a nice salad and you have the perfect camping supper.
Nb. You can also add a bit of white wine to the mushrooms, but my assistant chef prefers it in a glass with the meal.
So, I'm going to start leaving a few recipes on here that i'm cooking up, give them a try in your own kitchen, but these are tasted best in an awning or caravan, good quick food.
GamGam PilPil
This is my version of a very common recipe, it often goes by the name Gamberoni, or Gambas Pil.
It goes like this.
About 3rd of a cup of olive oil, small knob of butter, 2 cloves of garlic, one medium sized red chilli, paprika and of course prawns, normal prawns or King prawns will suffice, I prefer the smaller prawns, less fleshy.
So, heat the oil up and add the butter, season it then add the garlic, chilli, and a healthy sprinkle of Paprika. Give it about five minutes for the flavours infuse then pop the old prawns in. Turn heat onto full and then keep the whole thing moving around the pan for around another five minutes.
It will seem quite oily, but with it being Olive Oil, that's OK.
Get yourself some nice crusty bread, or a French stick, serve contents in a bowl.
Use the oil as a nice dip and eat the prawns, beautiful!
There's quite a few variants on this recipe, try finely chopping some spring onions and giving a good slosh of Soy Sauce to give it more of a Thai flavour.
Simple Creamy Garlic Mushrooms
This is a legendary dish, again with many variations. With us having a limited kitchen, simplicity is best.
Mushrooms, 2 cloves of garlic (less or more to taste) mixed herbs (just oregano will do)Olive Oil and some cream.
Roughly chop your mushrooms and garlic and place in oven dish, pour over some Olive Oil, not too much but a good drizzle, sprinkle on the herbs, (about 3/4 of a teaspoon) and pop in the oven on a medium heat. Give it about 15 minutes, remove from oven, spoon two nice tablespoons of cream in, mix it about and Bob's your uncle, there you have it, Creamy Garlic Mushrooms.
OK, not everyone has an oven when they are camping, but slow cooking on a gas burner will achieve similar results.
Serve the above two dishes with a nice salad and you have the perfect camping supper.
Nb. You can also add a bit of white wine to the mushrooms, but my assistant chef prefers it in a glass with the meal.
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